THE VOICES RULE by Cindy Smith
To start a new edition of Tuesday Tales, I am delighted to showcase a great poem from Cindy. I had to read it twice as it is so powerful. Well done, Cindy, this is one of your best so my thanks for allowing me to publish it.
Love and laughter, Rick.
The voices never stop for long
They keep my emotions raw
Unfettered by time
My heart not just on my sleeve
It is held in front of me
A target for any passerby
To see, to hold, to break
Wisdom is still just a word
Age did not bring it closer
It only made me more vulnerable
To feelings
Memories relived
Seem as bright and fresh
As when they were my present
The voices talk

Sharing their version of reality
Their version of truth
I am captive in their realm
A prisoner to their whims
As they toss my heart around
My thoughts and emotions
In perpetual motion
A chaotic maelstrom
My hands mere instruments
Churning out the theories
The mythical concepts
These voices deem important
To provide the world
Believing they are helping
To make it more beautiful
By offering understanding
At all levels
While they destroy the heart
That loves them