Hello peoples, there are a number of comps. in September and here are a few that you may be interested in. Please note that I have no direct involvement with any of them, though I might send in an entry or two.
Good luck to you all.
P.S. Sorry but you'll have to find the links.
Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award. Restrictions: The award is open to any novelist or short story writer from around the world who is published in the UK. Genre: Short story. Prize: £30,000. Deadline: September 29, 2016.
L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest is held four times a year. Restrictions: The Contest is open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Professional publication is deemed to be payment of at least six cents per word, and at least 5,000 copies, or 5,000 hits. Genre: Short stories or novelettes of science fiction or fantasy. Prizes: $1,000, $750, $500, Annual Grand Prize: $5,000. Deadline: September 30, 2016. Lee & Low Books New Voices Award is sponsored by Lee &Low Publishers. Restrictions: The contest is open to writers of color who are residents of the United States and who have not previously had a children’s picture book published. Genre: Children's books - fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Prize: $1,000. Deadline: September 30, 2016. WOLFoundation Writing Competition. Genre: Essay on theme: Connecting Politics With People. Prize: $1,500. Deadline: September 30, 2016. Best New Writing's Gover Story Prize. Genre: Unpublished fiction and creative nonfiction under 10,000 words. Prize: $250 top prize. Deadline: September 30, 2016.
Off the Beaten Track Travel Writing Competition. Genre: Articles about a fascinating, relatively unknown place near to where you live or that you came across by chance when travelling around, or it may be a totally fictional place. Prize: £100 top prize. Deadline: September 30, 2016. Intergeneration Short Story Contest. Genre: Short story (400 words.) Stories must include characters from more than one generation. Prize: $500. Deadline: September 30, 2016.
Iowa Short Fiction and John Simmons Short Fiction Awards. Genre: Short story collection. The manuscript must be a collection of short stories in English of at least 150 word-processed, double-spaced pages. Prize: Publication by the University of Iowa Press, royalties. Deadline: September 30, 2016.
Jerry Jazz Musician Fiction Contest. Genre: Short fiction. Prize: $100. Deadline: September 30, 2016.